Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Chain Factory

This activity was really fun and entertaining. I was the custodian (or lysosome) and had to pick up the little green pieces of crumpled up paper that represented energy. While the activity was going on I had no idea what we were doing it for. Once we found out we were representing a cell, it made more sense. Each person had a job that corresponded to a function of the cell. The "factory" that we were in was making chains to send to party stores, and the chains represented proteins that are made in the cell. It was really interesting how each thing really showed what the organelles in a cell do. Once we were done with the activity we got to discuss with our group what each job represented. If we would have just read about each function I think it would have been harder to understand what each of the processes were, but because we could relate them to something we had just physically done it was easier.

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