Friday, September 18, 2015

Small Plot at Presque

Last week we went to Presque Isle for class. One of the activities we did was observing a small plot of land. We got a piece of purple string and had to make a square that we would observe for a half hour.

Some observations that I made about the plot were that there were leaves, bark, sticks, pine cones, green and brown pine needles, a half eaten pinecone, and a rock with green moss. The plot was under a maple tree so it was shady. The mosquitos were out and biting. It was also pretty windy that day but quiet in the woods where we were. At first the time was going by really slow but then it started going faster when we noticed a little red spider inside of our plot.

It is kind of hard to see in the picture but it is the little red dot almost in the middle. He was really speedy and hard to keep track of. When I lost where he was it was fun to find where he was again. He was easy to spot on the white birch bark, and he spent a lot of time there. He also was on a pine needle at one point crawling all around it. When our time was up we lifted up a piece of bark and found a worm.

This activity was really relaxing, but interesting at the same time. I always like sitting in nature and observing what happens. I learned that sometimes it takes a while for things to "interesting" things to happen. Nature is a beautiful thing and there are always little creatures crawling around or huge trees to observe.

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