Friday, September 18, 2015

Bog Walk

We also went to the bog walk last week at Presque Isle. Bogs collect over thousands of years at the bottom of ponds. Bogs go through succession over time. They gradually go from a pond to having many trees and plants. This bog is beginning to have many different kinds of plans and trees. It has some big trees so it is pretty far in its succession.

I saw so many interesting things. I had never been to the bog walk before, but now I would love to go back. I saw so many plants that I have never heard of before like the pitcher plant. These plants have a slippery substance on their leaves that attract bugs. The bugs get attracted and just slide in and can't get back out.

At one point, we were walking and came to some sand dunes. We walked over and found the beach on Lake Superior. It was so beautiful. It was a beautiful day, so that just made it even more picture perfect. I have been to that beach before but I never knew that the bog walk was just right behind. One of the plaques with information it it said that the grasses are what hold the sand in place and create the dunes. Over time the dunes can grow, shrink, or move depending on the environment. I would love to see what this area looked like 50 years ago and what it will look like 50 years from now. I hope that I will be able to see that.

 We also found a beaver dam. That was really cool. Those beavers must put so much time and energy into their houses. I also saw a trees that a beaver had chopped down. It is crazy how an animal that small can do so much damage and take down huge trees.

 I had a great time at the bog walk. I would love to take my friends here to show them. It has lots of cool things to see but you also can learn something new.

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