Saturday, September 26, 2015

Presque Isle Community Ecology

  • Presque Isle is a great example of a community. A community is a smaller area in an ecosystem where living things interact. At Presque, an example of parasitism would be ticks. The ticks feed on animals and people and is benefited, but the organism it is feeding on is harmed but not killed. An example of commensalism would be a chickadee nesting in a tree. The tree is harmed, but the chickadee isn't harmed or benefitted. An example of mutualism would be deer eating grass. They are both benefitted! An example of intraspecific competition on Presque could be the deer. They are all competing for resources, and they all need the resources to survive. An example of interspecific competition wolves and foxes. They could fight for resources, habitat, or territory of the island. Presque would be considered a microhabitat because it is very different than the surrounding area. It is pretty much right in a city. The animals that live there probably don't spend much time in the city part of Marquette. The plants there are also pretty much only in that area. Marquette is a very nature filled town, but Presque Isle is the most diverse in a small area. 

  • The niche of a  whitetail deer:
Deer are herbivores so they eat grasses, plants, and nuts. The live in forest areas and can get eaten by mountain lions, coyotes, and wolves. The females give birth to fawns, which are pictured in my photo that was taken in my backyard at home. 

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