Monday, September 28, 2015

New Celebration

Last night there was a lunar eclipse and I was lucky enough to see it. I was talking to my parents on the phone and had a perfect view of the moon rising into the sky. It was huge and my picture doesn't do it justice.
Picture- Katie Cattani
My friends and I headed down to McCarty's Cove a little after 8, right as the eclipse was starting. I made my boyfriend come instead of watching football games because I wanted as many people as possible to be able to see it. We got to watch the moon disappear and then turn reddish. It gradually got thinner and thinner but I could still see the outline of where it originally started. It was so cool.  I am really happy that I got to witness this eclipse. This experience was definitely a celebration. One of my friends, friends has a telescope and took some really cool pictures that she said I could also include in my blog. One of my other friends has a really nice camera and he also sent me pictures to use.

Pictures- Amanda Bink

Up and down photos: Trevor LaCombe 

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