Friday, September 11, 2015

Dangers of DHMO

We watched a video in class about the dangers of DHMO and whether or not it should be banned from campus. You can watch the video below.

After we watched the video, we had to state if we would like to ban DHMO from Northern's campus. Personally, I voted yes because the video made it sound like DHMO wasn't doing any good. After the whole class voted, we found out that DHMO is actually water. I felt really stupid for not realizing that, but it made me realize that I can't believe everything that I hear. I need to look into things that I hear about on the TV and advertisements and especially with voting. Technically, all of the information in the video is true. Water kills people and animals, it makes the grass green, creates rust over time, and is found in cancer cells. You need to hear both sides of the story before voting or signing a petition because people are tricky and can twist things to make them sound bad when overall it may be a good thing.

Here is another web site that talks about "DHMO" :

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